
ProjeQtOr available in SaaS mode
Terms and conditions

ProjeQtOr is a collaborative tool that can be used by all stakeholders on your projects, thanks to the "full web" mode. 

Installation is relatively simple, but can exceed the capabilities of your teams. In addition, the infrastructure to implement it is not necessarily available in your company. 

That is why we offer a hosting service for your instances of the tool on our own infrastructure.

You then benefit from an operational, efficient and maintained instance, without having to worry about technical constraints. 
You have a database that is your own, backed-up, and that you can retrieve whenever you want: you are not captive, your data belongs to you ...

Terms and Conditions


Hosting description :

  • Installation of your instance on ProjeQtOr's servers
  • Initial configuration with default parameters including possibility to send emails
  • Hosting on domain
  • Providing of sub-domain for direct access, allowing https access with SSL encryption
  • (url to access your instance will be
  • Hosting as VM on physical servers dedicated to on Datacenters located in France
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Availability 24/7, guaranteed availability 99.9%
  • Maintenance operations done out of use periods (at night or during off days)

Database backup :

  • Dedicated database
  • Daily backup
  • Last 7 days backups saved and kept
  • Dump of database provided on request
  • Restoration of backup on request

Files backup :

  • Files stored on RAID 1 disk drives
  • Global backup of files (daily differential backup)
  • No possible unitary restore
  • Restoration in case of major failure

Updates :

  • Upgrade to new community version on request
  • These operations are included in prices, at no extra fee

Support :

  • Community support on site forum at : free 
  • (with no warranty about availability or delay for answers)
  • Possibility de subscribe to professional support service

Reversibility :

  • At the end of the contract, you give you back your data
    You can then reinstall your instance on your own platform (on premise)

Prices :

  • You will find detailed prices and selling conditions in the above document "Terms and conditions" in PDF format
  • To obtain a quote, to subscribe, or for more information, contact us



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