Personalized translations

Personalization of each caption.
Sales price 400,00 €
Sales price without tax 400,00 €
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ProjeQtOr is designed for internationalization of interface. Each caption can be adapted to language. It is possible to use this feature to adapt some captions to a specific context. But these changes require technical skills and they are lost on each upgrade of ProjeQtOr.
This plug-in allows to personalize every caption in the application and keep it over the deployment of new versions of ProjeQtOr.
Characteristics of this plug-in are:
  • List of all the captions in a selected language
  • Search into captions, for a given code or text of caption
  • Selection of captions to be personalized
  • Change of personalized captions
  • Add new captions (useful for instance if you create new profiles, which name is "translated")
  • Deletion of a personalized caption
  • Changes concern a selected language
  • Captions can be changed in all languages
ProjeQtOr >= V9.0.0
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